
The Aquarian Footprints in the Sand

One night I had a dream. I was walking along the beach with God. Across the sky flashed scenes of my life. For each scene I noticed ONE set of rather deep footprints.

I fell on my knees and cried, "O great and glorious LORD, thy ...

"Enough of that LORD-ing!" she scolded, "and to tell you the truth, I'm pretty tired of the thy-s and thine-s!"

"But, but.." I protested.

She kindly pulled me up to her level and said, "Now stop your buts and watch this..."

The deep footprints continued - when the saddest and the lowest scenes of my life appeared in the sky, I noticed two sets of footprints!!!

"But.. but," I protested again, "Isn't there supposed to be only one set of footprints when I was sad - I remember that story when the Lord picked up the person when he was sad..."

And she replied,
"You see, for most of the time, your heart was open to me and we were one. Then there were hard times where you closed your heart and soul, and I was forced to walk beside you. Those were sad times for me as well, as it pained me not to be able to reach you and that you thought you were all alone. Remember you are never alone. Even when you feel cut off from God's love, I am right beside you. Say the word, and I'll come home."
Above reply sent by Kehar Kaur.

Other notable replies:

Sukhmandir Kaur
The times we are the saddest and most troubled is when we are in duality (vijog), the state of separation and viraag (deep longing), thus two sets of footprints. When we are happiest is when we merge into our Lord and become One experiencing sanjog union (so only one set of footprints needed :) The alternative could be whenever we are unhappy we turn to each other most, cuz misery loves company ;)

Okay - now let's see how She gets out of this one! By the way, I saw Her in the Gurudwara last night in the form of the sweetest little old lady dressed all in white. She was sitting next to me during kirtan. G said to her, you are great and she said innocently "acha...?" I hugged her and her essence is still with me.

I had you in my lap all the time, but you decided to jump off!

Sheri Mahoney
It occurs to me that when we are separate from _ourselves_ we are under the illusion of being separate from God. Only the illusion suggeststhe separateness, though. Separateness from God is not actually possible, since he/she is in everything, no matter what its form.

1 comment:

Seeker of One said...

Bridget GuruBeant Kamke

When I was sad I served another and that uplifted me.