
Beware of EMS!!!

Beware!!!! Deadly drug on the streets - EMS!

I usually don't write about stuff like this but THIS IS IMPORTANT!!! Please do read.

There is a lethal drug on the streets - it's called EMS (aka AVSN by old users). A friend cried to me about it the other day; said she, "It COMPLETELY changed my life," she told me between tears, "I no longer enjoy anything without a dosage of EMS!!!" she admitted.

It was heartbreaking to see someone so lively BECOME SO STILL!!!
This friend used to love hanging out at the malls for hours - NO MORE!!!
She used to have great arguments with her friends about the latest fads - NO LONGER!!!
She would spend hours on the Internet - YOU GUESSED IT, THE MOUSE SITS IDLE ALL DAY!!!
I'm telling you: do what it takes to avoid this drug. Someone who is beloved to you MIGHT ALREADY be hooked onto this drug. People who take this drug usually do it because of peer pressure - SO PLEASE DON'T HANG OUT WITH PEOPLE ON THIS DRUG!!!
How can you tell who the users are - well, here are some common symptoms:
~ EXCESSIVE stillness
~ IRRATIONAL cheerfulness
~ COMPLETE LACK of gloomy outlook
~ UNCOMMON health, happiness and holiness
~ UNHOLY wholesomeness
~ UNNATURAL love of trees and stars and rivers and lakes
~ NON-ATTACHMENT to monetary things (gasp!)
~ UNGODLY loving and hugging of other humans
~ HIGHLY DISRUPTIVE "enjoy the moment" mindset

This drug, EMS - Early Morning Sadhana (meditation) or AVSN (Amrit Vela Sach Nao, as Guru Nanak calls it) is DANGEROUS!! It has ruined many lives and it will surely ruin yours (as you know it). The whole of civilization (as we know it) is at stake here.

Here are some expert opinions:
~ Guru Nanak (jap ji stanza # 4)
True is the One, True is One's Name - speak it with infinite love.
We beg, "Give this to us, give that to us", and the great giver keeps on giving.

So what offering can we (the receivers of gifts) place before the One (giver), by which we might see the One's court? What words can we speak to evoke One's love?

The answer: In the Amrit vela, meditate on the True Name, and contemplate One's glorious greatness (Amrit Vela btw is the ambrosial hours before dawn - the time when it is hardest to get up, since the blanket is ohhh soooo comfy and the snooze button is ohhh sooo seductive - I am thinking of getting a alarm clock which has snore-recognition - if I'm snoring, it should unplug itself).

By the karma of past actions, the robe of this physical body is obtained, but the gate of liberation is found only by grace.
Nanak says: then (and only then) we realize that the True One is the only one around!

~ Guru Amar Daas jee
If a seeker cries (to the beloved) at amrit vela, those cries are heard in One's court (sggs 1285)

~ Guru Ram Das jee
One who calls herself a seeker of the Guru, shall rise in the early morning hours and meditate on One's Name (sggs 305)

~ Sheikh Fareed JiIf you do not awaken in the early hours before dawn, you are dead while yet alive [zombies rule!] (sggs 1383)

~ Yogi Bhajan (more of Yogi ji's views on Sadhana)
Only word in Yogi Bhajan's reply-letter to a long, long letter from a seeker who asked for a cure for his fledgling spirituality, lousy prosperity and failing relationships.

~ Bhai Randhir Singh ji, a great Sikh spiritualist
The seeker that does SatNaam at amrit vela, is assured of enlightenment

~ Baba Nand Singh ji, another great Sikh spiritualist
(Upon finding out that someone will be writing his (Baba jee's) biography)
Imagine an almond. It has the outer shell, the brown part we all see. Then it has a white inner part that is not seen. My life is like that almond. The biographer will be writing about that brown outer part - what I did, what I said - but my real life, the inner white, is from 1 am till 6 am. Nobody can possibly even imagine that life, let alone write about it. Only I know that real life.

~ Rumi
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.

You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.

People are going back and forth across the doorsill
Where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don’t go back to sleep.


Gurvinderpal said...

it turns out that according to my family EMS ruined my life and now the outward symptoms are bana, and its really contagious to little kids, so parents will do anything to make sure their kids aren't sangat with EMS abusers

Seeker of One said...

Click on gurvinderpal's blog (http://www.blogger.com/profile/13407832521142642510) .... I REST MY CASE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

EMS is the ultimate drug. It works where everything else has failed!!

Seeker of One said...


Anonymous said...


Yoga Jap said...

Great!!! May I translate it and share it also in italian? I would open a blog as soon I can and your article is perfect for what I have on my mind!!!

Seeker of One said...

Yoga Jap:
Vada per esso!

(Go for it).

Sat naam...