
Jap Ji, 2 (hukmee hovan aakaar)

There was an old rich couple who had had no children because their career demands had been too great.  Now they were retired and living on a grand home on a large lake.   They were an adventurous kind, but after a while, the adventures started turning dull and unfulfilling.  One of their close friends, who had a seemingly happy and fulfilled life with 3 children and 8 grandchildren, softly but consistently urged them to adopt a child.  

After mulling it over for some time, they decided to adopt a 3 year old boy from Romania.  The boy brought much needed joy into their home. The couple devoted themselves to the upbringing of their boy.

The boy was perfect for them - he was adventurous and fun-loving.  He did have an intense  fear of water though which was a damper for the family since they loved water sports. But with therapy and love, the boy slowly started warming up to water sports.  On his 6th birthday, he pleased his parents to no end by actually wading knee-deep into their lake for the first time. 

The proud parents were overjoyed at possibilities of including their son in their favorite water activities. With a nod from their therapist, they planned a canoe trip to introduce their son to journey on a river. 

The day came when their friend drove them up to their chosen river and they unloaded a canoe into the water.  The canoe was packed and ready to go.  The boy was excited - this would be his first time in a canoe.  The couple were busy saying goodbye to their friend; the excited boy stepped into the canoe and waited for them, but to his horror, the canoe started moving into the water - it hadn't been anchored well.  Before anyone could react, the canoe had drifted midstream and gathered speed. Soon, the canoe was swiftly traveling downriver and the boy was gripped by fear. 

He screamed and screamed.  His parents came running but it was too late to swim to the canoe. There was no phone signals in that area to summon rescuers and no road to travel along the river.  They felt doomed and helplessly ran along the wooded shore shouting useless instructions to their son.  The son was stricken insensible with fear to listen to anything.  The parents soon realized the boy was in mortal danger. With that realization came a deep stillness, first to the father and then the mother.  They regrouped and stood still and both shouted to the boy "WE LOVE YOU!  JUST RELAX! JUST RELAX, PLEASE!!".

The boy was shaking from head to toe and in too much shock to even listen to them, let alone relax. After a few minutes of horror, he too regained some of his composure.  He could no longer see his parents so he started looking around.  He saw that the oars were in the canoe, he picked them up eagerly and as he had seen on TV, he started rowing back up the stream to reach his parents. 

Needless to say, he was too young and the water too strong for him to make any progress backwards.  All he could manage was to spin the canoe around with his inept rowing skills.  After a few minutes, he put the oars back in the canoe and just sat.  It was a beautiful day he noticed and the river had slowed down considerably.  With his 6 year old mind, he weighed his options.  He was afraid but not of death - he was too young to die - dying was what happened to old people, not him!  

He tried to remember his parents shouts and he recalled them telling him to relax - when he had first heard those words, he hadn't the faintest clue to how it was possible to relax in a situation like this, but quite surprisingly he understood his parents words. "Just relax" they had said, so he tried to do just that.

He saw a sandwich bag which was lying at his feet; he gulped down a couple of his favorite ones and sat back in much better mood.  He realized he was fine; he was dry and there was enough food for him to last the whole day.  His parents would somehow manage to save him.

So he started singing and looking into the water. It was a magnificent river, clear enough for him to see the bottom and the fish darting around.  He leaned over carefully and touched the water - it felt cool and somehow homely. 

He fully relaxed and started enjoying himself.  After an hour or so, the canoe veered toward a fork of the river that thinned into a gentle stream and his eyes landed on the same lake he lived on!  He was too shocked to shout in joy - he had been traveling towards his home all this time!  His efforts to go backwards had been useless and indeed unnecessary.  He looked at the river and found it incredibly friendly.  He could have easily jumped into it - he lad lost all his fear of it.

Seeker: O Master, I feel discontent and stressed all the time!
Teacher: Ahh, my friend, discontentment is just a symptom.

Seeker: Pray tell me, what is the underlying disease then?
Teacher: You are dis-connected.

If you recognize the will of God as the only source of action,
you will realize that you are not separate from God.
----- Guru Nanak's Jap Ji, 2nd pauri

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