

Mukhi was the head organizer in the ashram of the old master. He was largely responsible for running the day-to-day ashram business. He and the master loved each other immensely. There was little doubt that once the master transitioned into the beyond, Mukhi would take over the duties of the ashram.

Each night, Mukhi would massage the master's feet. It would also be the time for Mukhi to ask about spiritual matters. The master spent the day in meditation and normally was not available for any questions. But at night, when everything was calm, the master was more susceptible to inquiring spiritual minds.

However one particular night, Mukhi's question was not quite spiritual, "Master, who is your greatest disciple?" he asked. There was no doubt in his mind that it was Mukhi who the master would pick

A small hint of smile caressed the master's lips. It seemed like he was expecting this question from Mukhi. After pausing for a minute he said, "I would have a hard time deciding about that, but Mohna comes to mind."

Mukhi's heart froze.

Usually when the master answered Mukhi's question, Mukhi would not ask anything back; rather, he would ponder over it on for a day or two and then ask further questions. But today Mukhi's heart was trembling and he couldn't think straight.

So he blurted out, "Why?"

The master smiled, "That you have to see for yourself." This was said in a tone which clearly marked the end of the conversation.

That night was a difficult one for Mukhi. There was no doubt that Mohna was a good and decent person - he would come to the ashram once in a while and sometimes sit in meditation - but him the greatest disciple?!! In fact, Mukhi remembered several times when Mohna had not attended the main meditation session they held monthly.

Mohna lived about two hours walking distance from the master's abode. Mukhi decided to visit him the very next day. Mohna was overjoyed to see him. When Mukhi informed him that he planned to stay there for a few days, Mohna was overwhelmed and with tears, thanked him profusely.

In the following days, Mukhi kept a sharp eye on Mohna's daily routines. Quite surprisingly, Mohna did not wake up until 6 am. And even more shockingly, Mohna sat down for meditation for only 5 minutes before setting off to his farm. Mohna spent the day at the farm and at night, after dinner he did 5 minutes of meditation before dozing off.

After observing Mohna's schedule for a few days, Mukhi was quited baffled. He did not see a single spiritual thing that Mohna did that made him worthy of being the master's greatest disciple.

What Mukhi noticed was that Mohna was an extremely busy person. He worked very hard on the farm and was exhausted when he got home. He was so tired that he had trouble just staying up for supper. During meditation too, Mukhi saw him dozing off on several occasions. Mukhi repeatedly asked Mohna if indeed this was his daily routine; to which Mohna replied, "It gets even busier in the Summer."

After a few days, Mukhi, greatly perplexed, made his way back to the master. At the first chance he got, he blurted out, "Why is Mohna the greatest disciple? He spends all his day on the farm. In fact, he only meditates for 10 minutes everyday!"

"Only 10 minutes", Mukhi emphasized.

The master smiled and asked Mukhi, "And how much spare time does Mohna have?"

It was then that it all dawned onto Mukhi's mind.
"10 minutes," he dreamily replied.


Essence 10 - Departure

Something inside has changed. There is a feeling inside. I’m not sure why I feel like weeping so much. Everything is here. We get up everyday, do meditation. Life is full. My heart is full; so full it is spilling over again and I can’t stop the tears from flowing.

I spent the afternoon with Sat Kartar Singh, he is moving to another country. He has duties to serve others in the world. I never really realized how important he was. He was so humble and treated us just like his own, always kept us close. It turns out that he is one of the most highly respected spiritual teachers alive at this time. I didn’t find that out from him, rather some very self-important fellows who came to collect him. He cleaned their shoes, when they were busy with arrangements.

When he said goodbye, I clung to him like a child, wrapping myself into his hug and weeping. He squeezed me hard and whispered, “SatNaam - your essence is Truth!”

It was as if he had squeezed the false self out of me – I realized the farmer who I and everybody knew as me was just a temporary covering over me. I had had many temporary coverings before – queen, thief and countless others. The current covering of the farmer was going to go away one day, but I wasn’t. I, the real me, was ageless – the farmer was surely going to die but I wasn’t!

He let go of me and I stared at him breathlessly. I silently bowed my head to him. He smiled and said, “The Guru’s Word, my friend, the Guru’s Word is the magic!”

As he was walking away and was almost out of sight, he turned around and pointed to me. I shook my head because I did not understand; he shouted “Eyes – look in your eyes.”

I ran inside and looked in the mirror – my eyes, they were awake!

Essence 9 – Guru’s Path

The thing is since that time I have undergone so many changes. Nothing has been easy, everything has been very difficult, and sometimes a real struggle. Some of my closest former friends are shunning me. I know it is not because they do not love me. They are uncomfortable, and so am I. But my farmer comes in from the fields happy now. He looks at me and says, “I feel so alive.” He tells me I am beautiful and the daughter of the Guru. The Sikhs give me so much love and treat me as their sister. But inside I feel so unworthy of their love.

It is a struggle to wake up and do meditation. Sometimes we are so sleepy, we want to go for the bed, but we look at each other and remember how it was before, that is enough to wake us up again. I envy those born to this path, so pure and innocent; they don’t feel the traces of dirt.


I put the papers down, and woke my wife, I pulled her into my arms, and looked in to her eyes, and there was beauty there that I had never noticed before.

“I didn’t know, you should have told me.” I said, “I have been so selfish, thinking everything was about me all this time. I thought you just did this for me. Forgive me."

We both started weeping in to each others arms. “It will be ok, we’ll get through this with SatNaam WaheGuru.” Then we were weeping and laughing together.

The children came in and found us. They just looked at us like we were crazy, “What’s for dinner?” the little one piped.

…next part

Essence 8 – Guru’s Word

Later Bibi ji came to take me to the kitchen. I asked her “How does one become a Sikh?” She said “They must imbue themselves with the Guru’s Word.” There was so much to learn. But I was so thirsty to hear everything. I can’t explain even now, to myself what was happening to me. It was so bewildering. I just knew I did not want to leave Bibi ji’s side.

She said “Let’s go and sing.” She sang for one hour, the same line over and over,

The Guru’s Word is drenched with Ambrosial Nectar (sggs 449 Guru Raam Das)

She was weeping. I was weeping. A beautiful young girl wiped the tears from her face as she sang. I wondered where Bibi ji’s children and husband were. It was obvious to me that she was in some sort of deep mourning. I thought she must have lost a child. I learned later that this mourning was called “vairaag” by the Sikhs. It meant deep and urgent longing for the Guru. I felt so much love for her.

That evening when we went for sleep, I asked her if she would wake me too in the morning. She agreed, then disappeared beneath her shawl.

Early next morning, I was sleeping face down, I heard “SatNaam WaheGuru.” Just as I turned, she touched me, and I gasped. An electrical current shot though my body shocking me. “Are you ok?” she asked. I replied only that I had been startled. How could I explain?

Beside her I felt utterly filthy, to my soul. I started weeping, I couldn’t stop myself, “Not even the Guru’s Word can ever clean me,” I sobbed. She put her arms around me, lovingly and said, “No, my precious child, the Guru can wash you clean in an instant.”

Later, we went to join the others. We heard “SatNaam WaheGuru” over and over again. Everyone together, in once voice was calling “WaheGuru”; it was very comforting.

When I met my husband again, I said, “I want to become the Guru’s.” He looked deeply into my eyes and smiled. It felt as though he touched my soul.

…next part

Essence 7 – Her Story

We attended several more singing sessions – each one was more beautiful than the last.

One day, I came in from the fields and found my wife sleeping, her head was down on the table, and there were some papers in her hand. Without disturbing her I gently removed them and read what she had written.

She wrote,

Everything has been changing so suddenly, I don’t know who to tell, there is no one to tell, but I must tell someone, so I am just writing this to myself to try to organize my thoughts, to try to find some sense, to all the changes, recently in my life.

My husband had been acting so strangely, weeping and talking about sleep and death. Then he met this unusual man, Sat Kartar Singh. This man is a Sikh. He wears a beard, and has uncut hair which he keeps bound in a turban. After this meeting my husband was much calmer, less disturbed, and happy even, but still nothing has ever been normal again in the usual sense.

We went for Sat Kartar Singh’s home. The music was very beautiful. It wrenched my heart, and made me want to weep, I didn’t say anything, because I felt so strange, and the children’s father seemed so happy I didn’t want to break the spell.

A few days ago, we went to a Sikh gathering and it had the most unusual effect on me. It is hard to describe, but I must try. It has changed my whole life...

I met a very unusual woman there. She was a Sikh. I think she was the most beautiful woman I have ever met in my life. Her face was radiant and glowed with such light. Her eyes had such depth, when I looked into them it was as though the universe opened up its mysteries to me.

This woman, Bibi ji, was unlike other woman. She sat quietly and greeted me quietly and softly. From the very first I was drawn to her. So many were staying at that gathering, she asked me to come and sleep with her and the other ladies. My husband joined the men, and children went off with others their own age.

Bibi ji slept completely covered with a black shawl. Or I was never sure that she was sleeping, she was so still. I found myself yearning to be like her. Like the Sikh men, she also kept her hair bound in a turban. I thought of all the women in my village, with their jewelry, makeup lipstick, and nail polish, none were as beautiful as Bibi ji. She had only 2 changes of clothes, very simple, one blue, and one white, and the ever present black shawl.

In the morning everyone began getting up very early, I heard strange sounds, as though there were many lovers, I was frightened and covered my face with my blanket. I slept very late. No one disturbed me.

…next part

Essence 6 - Songs

At last, came the day when I would again meet with Sat Kartar Singh. Carefully we prepared, bathing and dressing in our finest clothes, we approached his house. He greeted us and motioned us to sit close to the people performing the singing. Looking around I noticed right away, that the others dressed very simply.

Sat Kartar Singh sat in front of the harmonium; he closed his eyes and began to sing.

The lovers of the Guru’s Word remain awake and aware, day and night.
Following the Guru’s teachings, they know the Love of the True One (sggs 1024 Guru Nanak)

I felt as if he was singing just to me, just for me. I couldn’t take my eyes off his face. It was incredibly beautiful, bathed in light, it made me want to weep inside, that there could exist such beauty; all over again my longing started.

As he sang the light around him increased its glow until it shone so brightly that all the others in the room seemed pale and transparent, almost unreal and unmoving. It was as if only the two of us existed, and were real, the others were merely a background on which we were painted in golden bright light.

After an undetermined amount of time, his song came to an end. I was filled up inside with beauty. I longed to ask him many questions. He just looked at me with his deeply aware, awake eyes and nodded.

…next part

Essence 5 - Sat Kartar Singh

I was lying in my bed early next morning when I heard a man singing,

O one with splendid eyes, awake and chant the Guru’s Word
and listen to the un-struck Word of the One.

Rare are the ones who through the Guru’s Word
understand this state of utter stillness

Merging in the Guru’s Word,
their false self is eradicated (sggs 843 - Guru Nanak)

This song struck an arrow into my heart. I felt truth in these words. I knew the creator of this song knew about my state. It seemed that the singer was singing directly to me.

I jumped out my bed and barefoot, ran to the man singing this song. The man was a middle-aged man. He looked like a farmer. I ran up to him. He stopped singing and looked at me. The first thing I did was look deeply into his eyes.

Yes! He was awake!

I hugged him and he hugged me back. His hug broke the depression within me and I started sobbing. Without a word, he tightly held me. He let me cry without any attempts at consolation.

Finally, my tears dried up and I looked into his eyes again. It would be wrong to say they were beautiful. They seemed so unnatural. I had never seen such eyes. They appeared not to blink.

I asked, “Am I dreaming?”

He replied, “Yes.”

With my breath held short, I again asked, “Is there a way to wake up?”


“Please show me the way.”

An indescribable light I had never seen before flooded his eyes. He sang,

Chant, O my mind, the True Name, Sat Naam, the True Name.

In this world, and in the world beyond, your face shall be radiant,
by meditating continually on the immaculate One being (sggs 669 - Guru Raam Das)

After a short silence, I humbly asked about him. His name was Sat Kartar Singh. He was a Sikh of Guru Nanak.

I briefly told him about my state of affairs. And I quite bluntly asked him how I could become like him.

He humbly shook his head, “No, not like me; but like your true self.”

I invited him to my house, but he said he was on his way to a singing session. He smiled at my sad face and invited me to his house in a week’s time. He said there would be singing by many lovers of the Guru’s Word there.

I thanked him and went home and took a long nap. My wife and children thankfully hugged me and my life started again.

...next part

Essence 4 - Prayer

That night, my wife held me closely and tried all her charms to bring back her farmer. But I was too frightened of the world and no matter how hard I tried; I could not open up my fears to her. I could not sleep all night. Next morning, my wife suggested we go to the temple and visit the pundit.

I beamed at the thought. My family and I used to visit the temple on the full moon’s night and I vaguely recalled the pundit saying that we were all living in a dream. I could not wait to get to the temple. The pundit must know about my problem and would surely have a solution.

My wife and I walked to the temple. She was pleased to see me happy again. But my happiness was short-lived - as soon as I saw the pundit, I knew something was wrong. One look into his eyes told me what it was. He was sleeping too! In fact, he seemed to be sleeping even more deeply than I!

Greatly depressed, both of us returned home. This depression only got deeper by the day. My wife and children were visibly frightened of me and there was a heavy silence in the whole house. They talked in hushed voices and avoided me as much as possible.

I spent my days in bed or in front of the mirror. Once while I was staring into my eyes, I saw a sparkle of awake-fullness in them - they appeared radiant and full of splendor - but this moment was so brief that I dismissed it as an illusion due to fatigue.

Even though my wife forced food into my mouth, I became weak and after five days, I was so weak that I had difficulty getting up from my bed. Depression hung over me like never before. That night at sunset, I did something I hadn’t done in a long time - I prayed.

The pundit had said that all prayers are answered. Of course, I hadn’t believed him then and I believed him even less now, but there was no other hope. So I knelt on the side of the bed and prayed,

“O Creator, please wake me up.”

I was quite surprised to hear these words come out of my mouth. I surely hadn’t planned to say them; they had just come quite spontaneously. I felt a little better and a little lighter.

…next part

Essence 3 – Farmer

I woke up with a cold sweat - my hand went to the right side of my head. Surprisingly, there was no blood there. Then I remembered who I was. I jolted up in my bed. That too had been a dream! I looked around. My wife lay by my side, snoring softly.

I touched my face. It was covered with sweat. I tried to calm down. I got out of the bed and drank some water. I then looked at my children’s peaceful faces. But my heart kept on beating wildly.

I was walking back to my bed when a paralyzing thought arose within me: “Am I still dreaming?” This thought shocked me so much that I sat down right there on the ground. I touched my arms and legs. They felt real enough; but so had the police officer’s baton and the prince’s face. Dizzily, I walked back to my bed and tried to sleep. But I was too frightened to sleep.

In the morning, my wife and children were alarmed by my state. I no longer cared to say anything to them. Just the thought, “Am I still dreaming?” kept eating away at my heart. I didn’t go to the farm that day. What was the use? It was not real, why did I need to do anything when I knew it would soon end.

That day, I spent many hours in front of the mirror looking closely at my face. I tried to see if it had any similarities with queens and the thief’s face. But none existed. Everyone and everything told me I was not dreaming. But my eyes told a different story. I looked deeply into them and saw only sleep in them.

My wife and children were greatly troubled by my low spirits and tried to cheer me up by talking about the expansion of the farm which I had been passionately pursuing, but I couldn’t help but laugh at them. I looked closely into their eyes and even in them, I saw nothing but sleep invasion.

That day went slowly. I sat on the bed waiting for the dream to end. I no longer knew who I was.

Was I the thief? Was I the queen? Was I the farmer?

...next part

Essence 2 – Thief

Screaming, I woke up. Instinctively, my hand went to the back of my head. Surprisingly, there was no blood there.

The gang member sleeping next to me angrily slapped me for disturbing him. The slap brought me back to reality. A sigh partly of regret and partly of relief escaped my mouth. I wasn’t a royal queen, rather just a street thief. I lay down again and thinking how real the dream had been, dozed off.

That night we bust open a jewelry shop. Unluckily the police was in the area. Before we realized it, they were upon us. I ran but my foot slipped on the pavement. I fell down and hit my arm heavily against the gutter. A police officer came and grabbed me by my neck. There was no hope now - I would be badly beaten and locked up for months or even years.

The police officer ordered me to strip off my clothes; right there on the street! I spat at him. I felt his baton hit the right side of my skull...

…next part

Essence 1 - Queen

Startled, I woke up. I was sweating and breathing heavily. Then I remembered where I was. With relief I said out aloud, “It was just a dream.” Immediately my maid came and asked me if I needed something. Quite alarmed at the sweat on my face she asked, “What is wrong, my queen?”

I lazily waved her away, murmuring “Just a bad dream.” I calmed myself. The dream had been so real!

I silently tiptoed into my little prince’s chamber. He was sleeping quite peacefully. Reassured, I returned to my bed and silently prayed for my king’s well-being. He was a gentle man and had brought peace to the land after decades of bloodshed. But a few weeks ago, a rebellion had broken out in the southern province and he had gone there for negotiations.

I was about to go back to sleep when the door opened and the chief minister, along with a few soldiers entered my chamber. A cold chill went up my back. He said, “My dear woman, I am afraid, there has been a little change. The king is dead and has been dead for a week now.”

I screamed out, “You are lying!” I ran to the window and shouted to the sentry. “Come here at once!” The sentry looked at me and shifted uncomfortably on his feet but did not move. The minister laughed softly, “Please understand your position now. You no longer can command.” He softly spoke again, “Guards, behead the prince now.”

My body shook with fear. “NO!” I screamed, “Please no!” The guards started going to the prince’s chamber. I ran up to them and tried to hold them back. One of them roughly pushed me away. I fell down and with a loud thud; the back of my head hit the stone wall...

…next part


Village 2 - Music Makers

He began...

My grandfather used to be the spiritual leader of this village. Each day, well before sunrise, he would call out to the people and to the heavens with his prayer. One such morning in the midst of prayer he heard music from the outskirts of the village. Quite horrified to hear music at such a holy hour, he immediately sent his assistants to put an end to such paganism.

None of the assistants came back - the music meanwhile continued.

After a long wait he himself decided to put an end to the activity. So, quite angrily, he strode towards the music. The closer he came, the more he realized that rather than his anger being responsible for his hurried strides, the exquisite beauty in the music drew him to itself. Finally when he got close enough to see the music makers, not only did his body lose the ability to move, his mind too completely stopped. He literally stood rooted to a spot for the duration of the recital.

The music cast a spell on him - he traveled inwards to subtle places he had read about only in the scriptures. He would often look back at that moment and dreamily acclaim, "I drank life to the fullest during that song".

The music makers, the great Guru Nanak and his companion Mardana lowered their heads bowing humbly when their concert finished. At the end of the recital, my grandfather and all the others present simply surrendered to the Guru prostrating themselves before him. This act though merely symbolized the moment each of them had first seen the Guru for in that instant they had lost themselves quite utterly to him.

The Guru graced this village for three days and three nights. The Guru's message simply invoked remembrance and service of the One Being which pervades each and every one of us.

The village became heaven-like. Generation of animosities vanished, broken families reunited, and shattered promises became fulfilled. The village prospered in plentiful abundance. To this day, we of the village observe those three unique days like others observe birthdays. Indeed those days gave birth to the village's inner life.

But, not long after the Guru's departure the village began returning to its normal numb existence. This greatly troubled my grandfather and others like him who had become the Guru and Guru's only. They tried very hard, through teaching and preaching, to keep the message of the Guru alive.

After all normal means failed they started a tradition which continues to this day.

Each villager keeps a diary. It is mandatory that each night before sleep, each person make an entry in the diary - simply tallying the amount of time during the day spent in remembrance of the One Being or in selfless service of another.

At the end of the person's life, the entries are accumulated and that, my dear traveler is the "years of life" entry you see on the tombstones. It is perhaps that which allows us to be free with our love - we are reminded each and every day what real life is. The time spent in the presence of awareness of One and in service is the only life we consider as been worthy of been called life.


A long silence ensued after the elderly man had finished his story.

After a while, I felt my eyes closing, my back straightened of its own accord, and I felt a musical sonata arise within me. It began like melodious bees buzzing in distance but soon swelled into symphony filling me within my entire being. My sinews seemed to vibrate as string struck by an unseen hand pouring forth the sweetest notes of longing and fulfillment, first high, then high and low, tenuous and crescendo-ing by turn. I thought I heard singing in a high fluting voice, a song without words. I listened closely. I could almost detect a single word in an unknown language being repeated again and again, incessantly. It created a kind of madness of intoxication in me so that I felt as though I might burst with it. A symphony swelled within me, its crescendo conducted from one end of the horizon fading into the other.

Listening to this music, my mind seemed to disappear. My thinking all but vanished.

I realized that I was not my thoughts!

Indeed I could "see" my thoughts appear outside of me. I could follow them or not. I decided that I could function quite well without them, so I paid no attention to the few thoughts which did arise until they drifted away into nothingness, leaving me to feel utterly still and perfectly content.

I enjoyed this feeling for a few moments until one thought captured my consciousness, "Is it possible to feel like this all the time?"

I opened up my eyes to ask about it. To my great astonishment everyone had gone. Hovering low above the horizon, the sun slowly disappeared leaving me in twilight as the moon began to rise. What seemed like mere moments had actually been hours!

Someone had put a blanket around me. I discovered apples and water in front of me. I took a bite from an apple and chewed slowly while mulling over my musings.

l decided that my searching days were over, smiling at the thought.

Village 1 - Graveyard

Something about the village graveyard set it apart. Usually graveyards are somber and resigned under the weight of death. But this one was different: besides been well kept - which in itself was not unusual – the design appeared to be more like a garden of life than a cradle of death. Its' shady trees, sunny flowers and general cheerfulness seductively invited me in.

During my travels, I had seen hundreds of graveyards and they were my favorite resting places. I had left home when I had turned twenty. I hadn't been sure what I hoped to find when I set out but, I had yet to find it. I had traveled to majestic temples, sober ashrams, holy rivers, visited renowned Gurus and any other religious place I had been told about, yet my restless mind knew no lasting peace. After more than twelve years of searching, I had given up hope and had reluctantly decided to return home and begin a worldly life. I had begun the journey back to my home when I came upon this unusual graveyard.

The mid-morning sun lit the path before me. I gave in to my aching muscles and entered the graveyard through a small wooden door. I put down my knapsack and looked at some of the tombstones. The inscriptions always reminded me of my transitory place on earth. But this graveyard was full of surprises - even the grave markers were unlike any I had seen before.

There were three entries on each stone: name, year of death and quite intriguingly "years of life". Even more peculiarly, the "years of life" very seldom went above ten. Although it took me all morning, I visited each and every tombstone; and to my utter astonishment, I could not find any "years of life" over fifteen. And there were quite a few with "zero" years of life.

A curious person by nature, I decided to visit the village to try and make sense of this graveyard and walked about a mile to the village gate. The friendly villagers greeted me warmly. Almost all of the villager's manners resembled the innocent nature of children. Their smooth faces had a glow of purity. They came and not unlike children, touched and greeted me, offering me all sorts of refreshments and foods. Their attention and love quite overwhelmed me.

In their presence, I noticed a difference within myself. Everything around me took on a sharp distinctness I hadn't before perceived. Colors became deeper and brighter, yet somehow softer, and comforting. Everywhere I looked, whatever I saw seemed to be outlined with an etching of light. Shadowed hues had a depth that drew me, a kind of magnetism to them.

Outwardly I heard each sound of the village - the villager's greeting me, the children laughing, water pouring from the nearby well buckets - quite distinctly, yet all coordinated as in an orchestrated symphony. I spoke in exclamation uttering for the sake of hearing my own voice which sounded musical, both lilting and full of depth. Whatever entered my mind spilled from my tongue quite without any reason at all!

Someone handed me an apple. I bit into it. A tart sweetness met my lips. Flavor flooded my mouth. I closely examined the apple to make sure that I indeed held an apple for I seemed to be eating many fruits all at once. I breathed deeply trying to make sense of it. A scent of orange blossoms and gardenias perfumed my nostrils tantalizing me.

I hadn't a clue as to the source of my unusual experiences, but I couldn't help grinning widely and immensely enjoying myself.

I noticed a group of elders sitting around an old shady tree. I decided to ask them about this rather heavenly place. I approached the men - they greeted me warmly and at an appropriate time I asked: "Respected Sirs, I have seen many places and many people. But even at the most holiest of these places I could not find the life and love that pervades this place. Perhaps I am in a dream..." I trailed off.

They all smiled. I hurriedly continued, "I would very much like it if you would kindly explain this rather peculiar place. I was also very intrigued by the graveyard at the entrance of the village. Is it where you bury your young ones?"

After a short pause, the most elderly man spoke. "Traveler, you look like a man who would benefit much from the story I will tell you - listen carefully."

All the villagers within earshot came and sat attentively to hear the old man speak.

...next part

Warrior 8 - Realm of Truth

He too could not resist me. With his sweet, life-giving hand he wiped my face. His touch deepened my red color. His touch brightened the light within me. His touch sweetened the nectar inside me.

If I cherish Thee than I assume the deep red colors

A thousand voices lifted together in song, a chorus
yet there was utter stillness

A thousand burning suns shone behind my eyes
yet not even one star lit up the darkness

A thousand red petaled perfumed roses fell at my feet
yet there was not one petal to be seen

A thousand humming birds fed me nectar gathered by a thousand bees
yet they too remained unseen

A thousand arms caressed me
carrying me, as if a dream

A thousand kisses showered on my face waheguru
In absolute beauty, I separated and became One with Everything

Creek water danced over pebbles again - the Guru spoke, "Beloved one, I live in the Realm of Truth."

Saying that, he vanished as suddenly as he had appeared.


There was a short pause before Warrior looked up at both of us and pleaded, "Now, I beg you to release me so that I may once again drink his sight."

Without waiting for an answer, he ran into the castle; we followed. He quickly made his way to the hidden door and with one strike of the Sword of SatNaam, broke it down. He then jumped into the pond of water. When he came out, he was no longer a man - he was an angel of immense brightness.

It would be incorrect to say that he entered the Realm of Truth; rather he merged into it. A great celebration broke out in the city – music and songs filled the air.

We stood there completely enchanted. Even my guide was under a spell. Finally he broke away from it and nudged me. I reluctantly followed him outside. We flew towards my body. My guide was expecting a flood of questions like I normally asked after such a visit. But my thoughts were so deeply entrenched into the hidden city that I could not speak.

But just before I entered my body, I turned around and desperately pleaded, "I don't want to enter this cold and heavy body. Please...", I begged, "Please ... I want to go the Realm of Truth."

My guide's face beamed - pointing to my body he said, "In there lies the Realm of Truth."

Warrior 7 - Guru

The Guru had blossomed spring within me after a long and deadly winter. The Guru had turned a dry well into an ocean of bliss. The Guru had replaced my darkness with overflowing colors.

The Guru spoke - the Guru's voice was soft wind through the trees; it was morning sun shining through the twilight; it was creek water dancing over pebbles.

He said, "You are now stronger than a thousand lions, you now have more compassion than a thousand mother's hearts, you are now higher than the highest Himalayas peak. You are now Khalsa - the pure one. Go and defeat the five and enter the Realm of Truth."

Saying that, he turned around to go.

Although I was his servant now and the work of a servant is to obey and obey only, the dread of him leaving broke my will and in desperation, I caught his angelic hand. I held his long and beautiful hand close to my face. I kissed his soft and wonder-filled hand.

Tears freely flowed from my eyes. My heart sobbed and begged him to take me with him. I wanted to sing my loyalty to him. I wanted to say,

Don't leave me, my Lord.
You are my heart now.
You are my breath now.
You are my very being now.

I don't know how to reach you
But nothing else satisfies
After loving you
All else is death and lies

Cruel ... Kind
Wake me .. Love me ... Then leave me behind
Do you know how many lifetimes I waited for you
How many lifetimes to hear and utter WaheGuru

I can't reach you!
I can't reach you and so I die
It hurts so much inside even to cry
I try to drown my sorrow, but nothing satisfies

I'm left alone in the dark without your light
Hopelessly waiting for some spark to ignite
And light up my heart once more
With the love that lies behind the hidden door

Forsaken, alone, forlorn, I weep and pine
I die a thousand deaths with every breath
Waiting for such love as satisfies
Why should I not die of weeping until thou comest into my mind

But I could not utter a single word. I could neither confess my love for him nor my dread of his absence.

All I managed to utter was, "Mercy!"

…next part

Warrior 6 - Longing

I spent many months drunk in this bliss of the Guru's Word. Slowly spring arrived. I would go out and eat fresh fruit. I would visit the river everyday and play in its lap. I discovered the river too sang the Word! Indeed everything - trees, wind, animals – sang the Word. In fact, everything had always sung the Word - I just hadn't heard it before.

I would sometimes imagine how this Guru would be. But no matter how hard I tried, I could not even begin to imagine the wonder of this Guru whose Word was so enchanting. Then I started experiencing a new feeling within me - I started missing the Guru. It was quite beyond me to think how I could miss someone who I had never seen. But I felt immensely close to the Guru. He appeared to be closer to me than even my own self. This feeling deepened so much that it consumed me all day and all night. I felt that he was near me. I felt that he was loving me - nay, I felt that he was in love with me.

My hunger to see him turned into a passion - a burning passion. I could no longer sleep - not even for a moment. I could no longer eat – not even a bite. I could no longer think of other - not even for a moment. I would spend the whole day lost in his remembrance. Sometimes this craving for him would swell inside me so much that in desperation I would run outside and shout, "I love you" over and over again to the sky. After I was spent, I would come back and with a sigh sit down and continue listening to the Word. I knew that I could not bear his separation much longer.

All I could think of was how he would look. How he would talk. How he would look at me. How I would touch his feet. How I would shyly tell him that I loved him. How I would live and die for him.
Then one morning, long before dawn, I was sitting with closed eyes listening to the Word when suddenly I felt sunshine on me. Quite surprised, I opened my eyes.

He stood at the entrance of the cave!

The intense white light emitting from him sent waves of coolness into me. He was dressed in pure white - his turban was majestic. His clothes were flowing. His two swords were shining. I cannot even begin to describe his eyes: they were breathtakingly beautiful. Their golden glow put a thousand sunrises to shame. Their gentleness surpassed the softness of a thousand roses.

I just sat there in rapture drinking the bliss from the glow of his face. After several minutes, I came to my senses. I knelt down and said, "Welcome, this servant awaits your commands."

He walked into the cave and motioned me to raise my hands.

He then placed the Sword of SatNaam in my hands.

A downward-facing flower appeared inside me from nowhere. Suddenly, a golden ray traveled from the Sword of SatNaam and flooded the flower. With full glory, the flower bloomed.

Along with the flower, I bloomed. I became the flower. From the bottom of my stem, nectar arose. It traveled upwards filling every part of me with bliss. My petals glowed with a deep red color. Each part of me was maddeningly drunk with nectar. Each part of me was singing with indescribable joy. Each part of me was bowing to the Guru in thankfulness.

...next part

Warrior 5 - Word

Without any sense of direction, I walked on. My eyes were barely open. My face was completely frozen - I was toying with the idea of simply giving up when suddenly I went into an opening and into warmth. I could not believe my fate - I had walked right into a cave!

Thankfully, I sat on the ground. My hands felt some kind of a frame on the ground. With joy, I realized it was actually a fireplace. There was even dry wood neatly stacked up. Quickly, I built a small fire by the entrance. It was quite obvious that someone had lived in this cave a long time ago. A wooden shelf ran along one wall. I saw a big bag on the shelf. I opened it up and there were nuts and dried fruits in it! How they had survived for so long, I do not know. Nor did I care - I quickly devoured some of them.

Quite warm and content, I lay down in a little area which apparently had served as a sleeping place. Immediately, my eyes fell upon two sentences written on the cave roof. The first sentence read,

"The five can be defeated by the Guru's Word".

This surprised me so much that with a jolt, I sat up. Vividly my memory went back to the "mad" man at the tavern: he too had mentioned something about a Guru.
A question arose within me, "What is the guru's Word?"

The second sentence answered me,

"WaheGuru WaheGuru WaheGuru Wahe jeeo".

I instantaneously fell in love with this Word. My mouth uttered it, "WaheGuru." My tongue savored it, "WaheGuru." My heart sang it, "WaheGuru." I could neither believe not understand this Word but I did not really care - it was such a bliss just uttering it that all I wanted to do was to sing it over and over.

Like a crazy man, I shouted the Word over and over again: "WaheGuru WaheGuru WaheGuru ...

I spent the whole night celebrating with the Word. I would sing the Word for a while and would then keep quiet. The falling snow, the whistling wind and the swaying trees would echo back the Word. It would get softer and softer. Then I would sing it loudly again, then listen again. This Word was indeed magic. Even though I had had nothing to eat except the few nuts, I felt strong and fulfilled.
By next morning, I had enough strength to fight a hundred men. I could have gone back and defeated the creatures but a strange thing happened - I no longer cared about my castle or my treasures or my brother – even the hidden city faded away from my desires. The only thing that mattered was the Word.

I followed the same pattern on that day too - I would say the Word a few times, and then listen to it. Slowly the saying got shorter and shorter while the listening got longer and longer.

After a few days, I no longer had to say the Word - I would listen to it ringing from everywhere. I would sleep whenever I felt tired. I would eat some of the fruit whenever I got hungry. There were just enough food and firewood for me to pass the winter.

...next part

Warrior 4 - River

I went and stood by the river. The river was a powerful one. It gushed with a loud roar under the bright autumn sun. I jumped into the deep side of the river. Initially I went under the cool water but the river brought me up again. I coughed with pain. I was ready to die, but the river refused to kill me. Like a mother, it carried me on its waves and carefully deposited me on its bank.

I could not help but laugh at my predicament - I could not even die! I sat on the bank and laughed. Soon the laughter turned into deep sobs. Remorse engulfed me - I cried for my lost brother, my lost castle and most of all, I cried at the lost chance to go into the city behind the hidden door.

I sat and wept there for several hours. Finally, exhausted and spent, I lay down. I must have nodded off because when I awoke, night with its crisp sounds had arrived. Half awake, my attention went to the night sounds. The night, the river and the trees seemed to be saying something to me. I listened intently.

All the sounds merged and murmured, "One."

Quite puzzled by this, I fell asleep again and woke up just before the sun did. Slowly I sat up. I was stiff from the cold. I stretched out - my arms were up in the air and just then the sunlight burst through the air dispelling the night's reign of darkness.

I cannot put into words what happened to me at that moment. The brightness and the warmth of the sun, the merriness of the river, the coolness of the air, the dance of the trees all joined together and invited me to become one of them. I now understood "One" - we were all one.

I was one of them and they were one of me. I was in them and they were in me. I could not exist without them nor could they without me. I closed my eyes and heard everything say, "One ... One ... One."

Slowly I lowered my arms. That one moment had completely rejuvenated me. I got up and turned around to go back to the city. One look at the city far away in the mist was enough to drain some of me. No! I decided, I would not go back to that heartless and dreadful place. I looked back at the river and it smiled at me. I smiled back. Once again I listened to the river. To my great surprise and joy, it invited me along. That was the first friendly thing anybody had said to me since I lost my castle.
Indeed everything was friendly here, the river, the trees, the leaves, the shrubs, the sky, and the clouds. I felt cherished and needed.

I looked at my new friends. The trees wanted me to dreamily sway with them. The leaves wanted me to join their festival of colors. The blue sky wanted me to fly into it. The soft clouds wanted me to put my head on them. The birds wanted me to share their songs. The river wanted me to travel with it.

I took the river's invitation and started following its flow. I would walk along the river bank all day; when hungry, I would eat from the trees; when thirsty, I would drink from the river; when tired, I would sleep on the Earth.

I learnt how to build a fire from twigs. I would start one in the evening and would let it simmer all night. In the morning, I would bathe in the river's waves and let sunshine dry and warm me up. Although, I now felt healthy and quite happy - happier than I had ever been before - not a day would pass without my thoughts going back to the city behind the hidden door. But I knew I did not have enough strength to face the creatures, so I would force myself to think of something else.

Many months passed like this. Slowly winter arrived. With winter came scarce food and weakness. I walked less and less. Even though food was rare, the trees would somehow provide it for me.

One fateful morning I woke up shivering and covered with snow. The trees were slowly going to sleep and wishing me luck. The sun was now distant and cold. Even the river was slowing down. I rubbed myself for warmth and listened to the river. It weakly but urgently urged me to walk with it. I slowly got up and started walking with its flow.

At late afternoon that day, it suddenly became very cold. A strong icy wind started blowing. A blizzard came out of nowhere. Slowly, it became difficult to walk or even see. I went close to the river to listen. To my shock, I realized that it too had given up. I felt completely abandoned. I did not know what to do! I could not imagine living without the river's guiding songs. In desperation, I shouted out to it, but no one answered back.

...next part

Warrior 3 - Warrior's Tale

Warrior told his story.....

This castle belongs to me. And the creatures you saw submitting to the Sword of SatNaam were actually my servants but had become the masters of my castle. I am the only one to blame though; I myself was absent from the castle and never cared to manage it. One day, I had returned from a long journey and with a shock realized that my servants had turned into grotesque creatures. They picked me up and threw me out of my own castle.

Although I didn't care for the castle - I had mostly lived outside it — I did however care about the treasures inside. So that night, I stole back into the castle to get the treasures, but the creatures had already removed them. Although it was my own castle, I felt like a stranger in it. I must have made a noise because one of the creatures came to investigate. I silently ran inwards to get away from it. I bumped into a wall. It was rather dark and the creature immediately ran back to get a lantern. I realized that the wall I hit was actually a door. I tried hard to open it, but it would not budge. I noticed a light streaming out of its keyhole. I peeped into the keyhole and that moment changed my life.

What I saw inside that door was inexplicable beauty. I saw a path leading into a city, which glowed with light and life. It was the most wonderful place I had ever set my eyes on. I was so lost in its beauty that only when one of the creatures grabbed me by my shoulder did I remember where I was. The creature dragged me and roughly threw me out again. Although I was badly hurt, I could think of nothing else but the city behind the door. I lamented heavily at my old foolish ways. If only I had spent more time inside the castle, I surely would have discovered the hidden door.

I decided to get help from my brother. I went to the tavern where we both had spent a large portion of our lives. Sure enough, I found my brother - drunk with wine as usual. I immediately told him about the hidden door. He and everybody within earshot burst out laughing. I even told him that he too should not trust his servants, but this only brought more laughter from everybody. No matter how hard I tried, they simply refused to believe me.

Finally, when they could no longer stand my raving, they pushed me out of the door. I could not blame them - I too had done the same to a man who had come into the tavern one night and had warned us about our servants and preached about the hidden door. I had called him mad and laughed at him. If only I had listened!

I sat outside the tavern trying to decide what to do and where to go next. I really had nowhere else to go, so I went in again. But I was no longer welcome there. My brother refused to even recognize me. I begged my brother and others to help me, but their eyes told me that now I, without my treasures, was no longer of any interest to them. Sadly, I left the tavern. Hungry, thirsty and in low spirits, I crumbled down on the side of the road. I had no desire to get up. I was completely crushed.

The side of the road became my new home. I would sit all day and night facing the ground. Once in a while, someone would notice me and give me food and advice. But I would stare at them lifelessly and they would leave me alone. My brother would pass by without paying any attention to me.

After a few weeks, the disgust with myself consumed me so much that I decided to destroy myself. Death and only death seemed the only way out my misery. I slowly made my way to the nearby river in the forest.

...next part

Warrior 2 - Sword

Without answering, my guide motioned me to accompany him. We went to another castle - it looked very similar to the first one, yet something was very different here - there was a mighty battle going on!

The five dark creatures were present but they didn't look strong and mighty as before; rather they were weak and exhausted. Their faces were washed with fear and three of them were lying on the ground in submission. It looked as if an army of thousand had descended upon the creatures. But to my great surprise, there was only one man who was fighting all of these creatures. The man wore a white turban and a blue robe. His face was shining with determination and was a warrior in the true sense of the word - as agile as a deer yet as powerful as a lion.

In his hands, he held a rather strange-looking sword. This sword was sharp on both sides and it shone with a brightness that I had not witnessed before. He was using the double-edged sword to strike the dark creatures. With each strike they fell down but then would stagger up again to fight him. But his sword was a magic sword - with each strike, the creature grew weaker while the sword became more powerful and bright. It was as if the sword was seeping the strength of the creatures into itself.

With a loud cry of pain, the fourth dark creature fell into submission. The last creature left was the most powerful and cunning - he would hide and come back in many forms - sometimes a hissing snake, sometimes a hellish devil, sometimes an alluring maiden, sometimes a feeble old man and sometimes a wailing old woman.

However Warrior was no fool! It looked as though the most adept teacher had trained him. He would let the creature get close to him and then would strike him down again and again. It was no secret that before long the last creature would surrender and the castle would belong to the warrior.

I was fascinated with the warrior's power and asked, "What gives him so much strength?" My guide pointed to the double-edged magic sword in the warrior's hand and said, "Sword of SatNaam."

Soon the last creature surrendered and lay on the ground. Warrior quickly turned around and headed into the castle.

My guide called out to the warrior, "Sir, a moment please." To my astonishment, Warrior turned around to look at us - he gave us a slight bow of his head and said, "I must hurry!"

My guide quickly said, "Please Sir, could you please tell us about yourself?"

Warrior laughed as if this was the most impossible request. Turning around, he dreamily said, "Not now, it is time for me to meet my beloved."

My guide called out, "Please ... in the name of your Guru."

Immediately Warrior turned around and knelt on one of his knees. Bowing his head in humility, he said, "I am a servant of the one who utters my Guru's name. What do you wish from me?"

My guide said, "If you could tell about how you became such a warrior..."

...next part

Warrior 1 - Hidden Door

He woke me up and said, "It is time."

Gently, he pulled my spirit out of my body and guided me in a flight across the sky. We flew side by side for a while until we came to a castle. The castle looked formidable - murky and dark waters surrounded the castle. Even darker were five creatures closely guarding the castle. These creatures looked big and strong. The whole sight was rather gloomy. I felt frightened upon seeing all this and firmly held on to my guide. He reassured me, "Don't worry, they cannot see you."

Silently he took me inside the castle. The cobwebs on the walls and the floor indicated that no one had been there for ages. Darkness, dirt and gloom permeated everything. He led me to the north side of the castle. There was a door well hidden behind a curtain of deep darkness. While all the other doors (I counted nine) of the castle were open, this one was tightly shut. It was coated with rust and looked inaccessible. But we, being spirits, easily slipped through it.

To my utter amazement, I discovered that it was actually a doorway to another wonderful world! This world looked completely different from the one that existed on the other side. Everything shone with inner light and looked as though it had been sprinkled with eternal youth. There were flowers everywhere and their subtlety sweet scents filled the air. There was a path from the hidden door to a big pond of rather inviting clear water. Then, a path led from the pond to a city which shone like the morning sun. Exquisite music could be heard from the city. My guide explained, "One has to cleanse oneself in order to get to that city. The city is called the Realm of Truth."

I understood little but I was so enchanted with that place that no questions arose in my mind. It looked so peaceful here! I wished I could live here forever. But soon it was time to leave. We slipped out through the door again. Overcoming the spell, I asked, "Who owns this castle?"

My guide led me outside and away from the castle. Far from the castle, there was a small hut. Its roof and walls were crumbling. Inside sat a miserable looking man - hunger and thirst dominated his face. He wore dirty rags and sat at the window looking mournfully toward the castle.

"The castle belongs to this man," my guide said.

I could not believe what I heard and blankly repeated, "The castle belongs to this man?"

He explained, "His is a rather sad story. He lived in the castle a long time ago and led a gay and a wasteful life. He would never come home for days and even when he did, he would stay only for a short while before going out again. The dark creatures you saw were his servants. He trusted them so much that he gave them complete power in managing his castle. Slowly, the guards became the masters of the castle and he the servant. Then a day came when they banded together and banished him from the castle."

My guide must have known that I was thinking about the city behind the hidden door because he said, "No, he did know about the Realm of Truth - the poor man was so engrossed with life outside the castle that he never even discovered the hidden door."

I felt pity for this man who was a king yet lived like a pauper. "Isn't there someway for him to get his castle back?" I asked.

...next part

Leper 4 - Spring

Sunlight on my face brought me back to this world। They had departed - a pain shot through me at seeing the bed empty. For a moment I wanted to run and find him, but the quietness of the trees told me they had already gone far.

Slowly I got up from the spot in which I had spent the joyful night। What a night, I thought; the trees were certainly justified in singing about spring - he was spring. For a brief moment I thought this was all a dream - perhaps I was still in a dream. But instantly I realized this was real - on the bed lay a small book. With excitement, I picked it up - it was the verses his companion had recited.

I quickly read the first page and turned it। My heart missed a beat - it was the sight of my hand - its sores were dry!

I carefully put the book back on the bed and with trembling hand and heart examined my body। Yes, all my sores were either dry or were drying up. He had cured me!

He, the angel of the One, had cured me। He had come to my unclean abode and purified me. Tears welled up in me when I thought of his mercy. Me, a sinner's sinner, an unclean, filthy untrue animal had been touched by his grace.

I bowed to the book, I lovingly kissed it, I pressed it against my heart.

Leper 3 - Guru

He was wearing a white robe, wooden slippers and a white turban. Although his robe was faded and old, he looked like a king. Although his beard was white, his face was overflowing with youthfulness. Although his eyes were half-closed and hidden in the dark, a thousand suns could not match their brilliance; a thousand moons could not match their serenity.

Instinctively I sank to my knees and bowed. Without a word he and his companion both entered my hut and sat on the bed. I was quite dumb-folded and tongue-tied. I just kept staring at his feet. At times, I would quickly glance at his face, but it proved to be too intense an experience for me and I would quickly avert my glance back to his feet. I wanted to say words of welcome, I wanted to thank him for being there, I wanted to ask for forgiveness for my sinful being, but my throat would not, could not form words.

With his signal, his companion opened up the instrument and started playing it. Ah, the wonderful music captivated me.

Then ... he sang.

The song entered me ... nay, flooded and imprisoned me. I drank his song and lost my thirst. His song opened the dam of tears in me and I wept.

With one note of his song, I was drenched in bliss. With one note of his song, my thoughts ceased. With one note of his song, I separated from the pained and diseased body.

He sang about light. He sang about darkness that enveloped me. He sang about the world within. He sang about sorrow-less and death-less truth. He sang about merging with truth. He sang about the wonderful SatNaam. He sang about the blissful utterer of SatNaam. He sang about One, One, One, One, One, One, One, One...

After hearing these songs, I heard songs of utmost stillness.

Without a word, his companion filled a bowl he was carrying with water from my water pitcher and started reciting verses. Whereas the songs were wrapped in love and longing, the verses were wrapped in wisdom and One's greatness. I listened. I felt wise and clean. For the first time in my life I felt completely pure and spotless. At that time everything was pure; my clothes, my hut, and the forest around us. Blessed was my bed, which was serving them - the angels of One. How fortunate was his companion - throughout the songs and recitation the companion gazed at his face with intent of a child looking at his mother.

The companion finished the verses and motioned me to drink the water. To my surprise, it was sweet. I gulped it down - never had I tasted such contentment. I felt intoxicated. I felt I belonged to him, and he to me. I felt his love, his grace, I felt him in me.

He leaned towards me, and in my ear whispered “Sat Naam Wahe Guru”.

A thousand bright suns dawned in me,
A thousand blissful winds blew in me,
A thousand colorful flowers bloomed in me,
A thousand joyful fountains sprang up in me,
A thousand celestial chords played within me,
A thousand angels sang to me.

All the suns, winds, flowers, fountains, in chorus with the angels sang

waheguru waheguru waheguru waheguru waheguru waheguru…

...next part

Leper 2 - Dream

I had heard several times from the Village pundit that the soul was an entity distinct from the body - I, of course, hadn't given it more than a fleeting thought. But that day, I fully realized the joy of it - I cannot express the relief I felt knowing that the deformed and rotten body was not really me. Not only was I free from disease and death - I was beautiful beyond description.

I stayed in that state of utter bliss for several moments. Despite my efforts (or perhaps because of them) I drifted back to my body. Not long after I was back in my body and feeling the heaviness of it.

That day was a few years ago - since then, my life had revolved around getting that detached sensation back. I have tried all the methods that I have heard about. But even though I have become still inside and can listen to nature more easily, that bliss-filled feeling never graced me. Most of my days are still spent drowned in thought and depression.

But today I felt different. I couldn't go back to sleep no matter how hard I tried. Finally at dawn, I got out of bed and looked out the window. The sun had just risen, making everything golden. The birds and the wind were joyfully singing of love. Did they always sing that beautifully or were they, like me, feeling especially jovial today, I wondered? With a twinge of sadness, I decided that they always did sing with such beauty, it was only I who hadn't heard them before.

But that sadness quickly faded away with sunlight streaming on my face - I stood there for a long time bathing in freshness. For the first time in many years I decided to go for a walk during daylight. I had been an avid walker at one time, but the look of horror on a boy’s face when he had accidentally seen me, kept me locked inside since. But today, all of that just didn't seem to matter - I felt a trace of life and excitement in me.

I spent the whole day seeped in nature, waiting for something to happen. At the end of the day, I was more surprised than disappointed that nothing had happened.

I lay on my bed and dozed off.

The same man with a white turban appeared again. This time he held me by my hand and took me to the river. He signaled me to go into the water. I looked at my reflection in the water and with a shock realized that I had been cured.

I looked for the man but he had entered a hut on the riverbank. I ran and knocked on his door. No answer. I knocked again...

With a start I woke up. Someone was knocking at my door. It took me several moments to convince myself that I wasn't still in a dream.

The knocking continued persistently. I had always turned away accidental visitors with a warning of my disease - but I knew from a depth within that these visitors were not ordinary visitors.

I opened the door - a middle-aged man stood at the door. he had a small bundle of what appeared to be books and clothes on one shoulder, and a box, which appeared to be a case for a musical instrument, on the other shoulder. A few steps behind him ... stood the man from my visions.

...next part

Leper 1 - Banished

I woke up earlier than usual - something seemed different that day. With difficulty I lifted my head and peeped out of the small window of my hut.

Although I could not see anything due to the pitch darkness of the night, I sensed some activity in the tree.

I closed my eyes and listened. To my surprise I sensed the trees were in the same jovial mood as they were when spring was approaching. Winter had just started; it would be months before even the slightest hint of spring. I lay down my head back on the pillow and realized that I too was in a jovial mood - my heart too hinted at some hope and excitement.

That was quite a change from the past few years of my painful existence.

It had been almost twenty years ago that I had been diagnosed with an incurable form of leprosy. This had been the first such case in the memorable history of my village and the people did not know what to do with me. I had been quite a cheerful and promising young boy before the village doctor noticed the state of the perpetually open wounds on my back.

My life changed drastically after his announcement of my disease.

The elders banished me despite my family's pleas. My brother built a hut for me three miles from the village and promised me daily visits.

At first, all my relatives and friends came each and every day, and brought me gifts and tried their best to lift the dark and heavy depression that was suffocating me, but soon it was only my mother who was visiting me. She would come and clean my hut; bathe and feed me.

In the beginning, I eagerly awaited her visits. I asked her about all my friends. But gradually, it only pained me to listen to her. Soon after, I started bolting the door and would ask her to leave the food outside and go away.

This continued for over ten years. My condition got worse - although I was in my early twenties, I felt like an old man. Lying all day in bed and being angry and depressed had certainly taken their tolls. I had a hard time even going to the nearby river to get my supply of water. My bones would groan and creak at every effort. My mind had turned into a dull and a stagnant vessel, which would not hold any thoughts except for the immediate bodily needs.

Then one day, things suddenly changed - my mother was taken seriously ill with tuberculosis. She asked my nephew to deliver food to me. Consider it fate, but for reasons known only to my nephew, the food was not delivered to me.

The first day without food I cried and shouted out to my mother. I had tried to eat berries from a nearby bush; but due to ignorance, had eaten poisonous ones. This only made the situation worse. After three painful, lonely and sleepless days I assumed my mother was dead and I too would decay into death.

I decided to end my life. It was the middle of the night and death seemed like an inviting and pleasant escape. I slowly got up from the bed and made my way towards the river. I envisioned myself jumping in and drowning. I had made it halfway to the riverbed when I tripped on a bush and fell heavily on my face. Due to my general poor health and lack of food, I could not lift myself up again. Only with a tremendous amount of effort, I turned and lay on my back.

Miraculously, I fell asleep.

I dreamt that a man with a beard and a white piece of cloth wrapped on his head took my hand and led me to two big doors. Although I could not see the man’s face, he appeared to radiating grace and elegance. With his hands he pushed open the doors. A ball of white light immediately engulfed me and with a jerk lifted me a few feet out of my body.

The jerking movement woke me up - my body was breathing slowly and deeply. I felt light and limber. To my joy, I realized I was still hovering slightly above my body.

...next part